Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ramping Up

Finally the last few days have come to a lovely and quiet end. Not that I don't love Christmas with every bit of my Italian soul, but I am frankly, as I many of you all, exhausted. My son has eaten through the last of the traditional Italian Christmas cake, Pannetone, and with it has had one large sugar high and I am ready to put the Hallmark sing-along penguins to rest for a long winter's sleep. And with all of this comes the sad realization that for this gift of 6 days with my son, I will work double time over the 6 days around new years.
Now who had the bright idea of actually being a pediatrics resident and being a Mom. Well, I guess we both did. And so here I am caught betwixed the maternal desires of being with my adorable 19 month old who is learning to talk, dance, draw and just be and of course the draws of my career.

Now let's be honest this is an age old dilemna that millions of women are struglling with--can we handle it all?? And most days I feel like it may just be too much. My last shift I was in the emergency room with a full house of sick babies with respiratory distress and asthma and lacerations and god knows what else was bothering them at 2 in the morning, and all I wanted to do was come home to be with my own son who was also laid up with 104 temperature at home. The irony of it all.

So after many months of promising myself with a few extra minutes here and there I can jot a few things down, and some nudging from a few folks, I feel like maybe i could have something to say about balancing an 80 hour a week career with an adorable munchkin who deserves all my time.

So with that I 'll say I have two more days of calm before the storm to enjoy my family, try not to get into a sulky mood, mount a new years eve menu for 6, and have guests visting this weekend. It can be done. If I believe I am supermom I can be.

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